Narrative Change Academy 2023-24
Narrative Change Academy 2023-2024
Die Fellows
Kübra Sariyar
„Hi, ich heiße Kübra Sariyar, beginne meinen Master in Europäischer Medienwissenschaft. Im Narrative Change Approach erkenne ich die Chance, Wissen in etwas Greifbares umzuwandeln und erhoffe mir, dass der aufsuchenden Arbeit Neugier und Vertrauen entgegengebracht wird. Besonders freue ich mich auf die experimentierfreudige Herangehensweise.“
David Bakum
„Hallo, ich bin David und studiere Theater & Film in Edinburgh. Ich schätze die JIK als Empowerment-Raum für viele junge Muslim*innen in Deutschland und möchte als Ally unterstützen. Durch das Erlernen des Narrative Change Approach, freue ich mich auf die Gestaltung eines Kampagnenkonzepts, das die Visionen der JIK europaweit realisieren soll!“
Mouna Chatt
„Hallo! Ich heiße Mouna. Die Teilnahme an der Narrative Change Academy für fast ein Jahr hat mir gezeigt, wie intensiv, aber auch lohnend es sein kann, gemeinsam an strategischer Kommunikation zu arbeiten. Als NCA-Fellow freue ich mich darauf, diese Arbeit in dem Mitschreiben und Vorstellen eines Policy Papers fortzusetzen, das die Entwicklung der NCA und ihrer begleitenden digitalen Kampagne reflektiert.“
Die Teilnehmenden
Aminata (27), FR, is an advocate for climate justice and social equity. Whether it’s circular construction or vegan cuisine, she’s always after the next life hack for people and the planet. In Berlin or Paris, you’ll find her browsing books and feminist games, or drinking oat milk lattes.
Bensu (24), GER, is studying Law at the European University Viadrina. She is a very political person and is convinced that movement and change are important for individuals as well as societies. She adores any form of pasta, loves swimming and needs her çay (traditional turkish tea) daily.
Bilal (28), FR, an avid traveler, is captivated by diverse cultures. He is always seeking new experiences, to expand his horizons, and connect with others through shared meals. Food, for him, is the gateway to unravel the essence of each place. He is engaged in the world of European Project Management, and works and studies in this field.
Can (25), GER, is studying Islamic Studies in Berlin with a focus on (anti-Muslim) racism studies, post-colonial theory and migration/integration. Beside that, he works in his father’s ice cream parlour.
Hicham (23), GER, enjoys deep conversations and exploring new places. When he is not talking about a pluralistic society or travelling the world, you will find him studying Economics & Management in Mainz.
Lejla (26), GER, is a visual artist and activist who delves into the realms of visual politics, subjectivity, and resistance. Her dream travel destinations are Senegal and Brazil. Lejla is currently immersed in the world of weaving and researching fungi and microorganisms.
Mouna (22), UK, studies Sociology and Politics at the University of Edinburgh and is particularly interested in migration, Islam in Europe, and urban spaces. She is an avid green tea drinker and loves Habibi Funk.
Nicole (24), GER, feels fulfilled when she is dancing or learning something new, and is inspired by art. She is studying Social Sciences and is engaged in cultural work. Her favourite flowers are sunflowers, and she is obsessed with Vietnamese food and her grandmother’s dishes.
Tas (24), UK, is a UK-based Malaysian and soon-to-be Ecology graduate. She loves looking at colourful and shiny creatures, big or small. Tasnim hopes to dedicate her life to creating equal access to nature and making natural history exciting to everyone.
Uhayd (20), UK, is studying Physics and Philosophy at Kings College London (KCL). He previously worked as a local youth councillor and is currently serving as a student trustee within the KCL student union. Alongside his work and studies, he enjoys practicing martial arts and doing sports.
Yasmin (27), UK, works in the UK television industry across development and production. She is passionate about improving diversity and inclusion in the media industry both on and off screen. Aside from her job, Yasmin is an artist, her work often exploring underrepresented voices, themes and narratives. She loves nature walks, long night drives and has a weakness for mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Yasmine (23), FR, is currently studying International and European Law at the University of Angers (France). She is interested in the consequences of the French vision of «la laïcité». Yasmine laughs a lot at her own jokes and random thoughts that she makes up in her head. It’s not you, it’s her.