Media academy

New narratives, new perspectives

Islam and Muslims are constantly the subject of media coverage. It is not uncommon for young Muslims to feel misrepresented by stereotypical portrayals. One reason for this is that we often only read and hear the perspective of those who are not affected by exclusionary discourses. For this reason we launched the Media Academy in 2021. As part of this academy, we support Muslim and BIPoC network members in learning how to use the press and media to disseminate their own narratives and perspectives on social issues.

Contact persons for the Media Academy are Caroline Haufe and Seren Başoğul.

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The Media Academy is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) as part of the federal programme “Living Democracy!” and the Mercator Foundation. The programme is part of the competence network ‘Living Together in a Migration Society.’