
Partners and Sponsors

Strong partners support us structurally and in terms of content, help with projects, and spread our ideas further.

  • Umbrella organization

  • Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe

    The non-partisan Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe is an educational institution recognised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education. Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe is committed to ensuring that young people actively participate in society. With its activities, the foundation gives young people the opportunity to make their voices heard, creating awareness of political processes. The foundation’s projects offer young Europeans a platform for encounters and exchange, for personal development, and opportunities to learn more about active participation in civil society. The statutes of the foundation can be read here.

  • Sponsors

  • Live Democracy!

    Funding as part of the field of Digital Democracy

    Democracy, freedom, and the rule of law – these are some of the values on which the coexistence of people with different origins, cultures, and convictions are based. These values, however, are under attack time and time again. Hostility toward people and democracy has many faces. It ranges from right-wing extremism to anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, Islamist extremism, Islamophobia, Muslimophobia, antiziganism, to left-wing extremism. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth supports civil society’s commitment to a democracy against all forms of extremism with the federal programme, “Live Democracy!” Funding is provided for JIK projects throughout Germany that promote a diverse, respectful, and non-violent society.

  • Stiftung Mercator

    Stiftung Mercator is a private and independent foundation with extensive scientific expertise and practical project experience. Through its work, it strives for a society characterized by openness to the world, solidarity and equal opportunities. To achieve these objectives, it supports and develops projects that improve participation and cohesion in an increasingly diverse society. Stiftung Mercator wants to strengthen democracy and the rule of law in Europe, address the impact of digitization on democracy and society, and drive forward climate change mitigation. Stiftung Mercator pursues activities in Germany, Europe and worldwide. It has a particular affinity with the Ruhr area, the home of its founding family and of the foundation’s headquarters.

  • Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

    The work of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB) focuses on promoting awareness of democracy and political participation. The wide range of educational programs offered by the BpB is intended to motivate and empower citizens to critically examine political and social issues and actively participate in political life. The experience of dictatorial forms of rule in German history has given rise to a special responsibility for the Federal Republic of Germany to consolidate values such as democracy, pluralism and tolerance in the consciousness of the population.

  • Deutsche Postcode Lotterie

    The German Postcode Lottery firmly believes that the world benefits from strong charitable organizations. At least 30 percent of all ticket proceeds go to projects in the areas of equality, social cohesion, nature conservation and environmental protection. Thanks to its participants, the German Postcode Lottery has already supported more than 6,500 social and green projects since it was founded in 2016 and raises public awareness of the organizations’ important work.

  • European Union

The Young Islam Conference is a project of the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe.