Frequently Asked Questions

The Young Islam Conference is a project of the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe.

Are you a youth forum of Muslim organizations?

No. We are not a religious project and not a forum for Muslims only. But our orientation is recognizable in the name: Our focus lies on Islam-related topics. But our work goes beyond the religious aspect. It is about dealing with difference, about accepting diversity. And about belonging. It is about how we live together in Germany.

We are addressing all interested people between the ages of 17 and 25. This generation is most affected by processes of change—and it plays a key role in shaping our society.

What are your topics?

Our topics are as diverse as we are.

These are questions and topics that we address:

  • What is the difference between home and origin?
  • What does religiosity in public mean?
  • What are stereotypes and how do we experience them?
  • What are attributions and how do I counter them?
  • Sexual harassment (without attributions)
  • What is the role of youth associations?
  • The blurring of religion, culture and origin
  • Origin does not determine opinion
  • Demarcation, exclusion, belonging….
  • Homophobia, anti-Semitism, atheism …

Are you a conference?

We are more than a „conference“. Our conferences are our main meeting places. They function on three levels:

  • Space for gaining knowledge: also for laymen without prior knowledge, knowledge exchange at eye level with experts and among participants
  • Generating creative moments: self-reflection and processing of content through creative workshops.
  • Forum for Dialogue: Open Space, kick-off for building local networks to keep participants active, create moments of empowerment.

How are participants selected for the summer academy & federal conferences?

We strive to ensure parity in the group as much as possible so that the diversity of our immigration society is reflected in the participants. The more heterogeneous the group, the more points of friction there might be. We want to deal with problems openly and find solutions. We frame the topics in such a way that we address not only like-minded people. It is about questioning one’s own points of view. We encourage people to take perspectives other than their own.

Do I have to attend all conference days?

Yes. In order to make the conference worthwhile for you and the other participants, it is important that you are available on all dates and that you take part in the conference program. We always have a lot planned and want to enable as much exchange as possible with different methods and offers. We want to have discussions together and consider your needs, questions and ideas. If you are not there, you cannot participate. Therefore it is important that you take the time to participate in all events.

I want to get involved with the Young Islam Conference—how do I do that?

We are more than a conference. We are a network of more than 400 former conference participants who are active throughout the year. The network thrives on your ideas and involvement. Get involved and take the initiative, we’ll be happy to help you. Just get in touch with us!

I am not Muslim. Can I still participate?

Absolutely! We are targeting young people with a wide variety of backgrounds and biographies. What they have in common: their stance on  a plural and open society.

Why do you target Muslims and non-Muslims?

Young people who are structurally disadvantaged and whose voices and perspectives are socially marginalized find spaces at JIK to encourage each other, to communicate their needs openly and to become active together.

People who are not affected by racism become allies for marginalized groups by becoming aware of social disadvantages, of their own privileges and of the responsibility that comes with them to act accordingly.

Together, they advocate for and actively shape an open and diverse society.

What does ‘postmigrant’ mean?

The word postmigrant describes a society that is shaped by and through migration. The prefix ‚post‘ in this context means the phase of social negotiation and recognition processes that characterize a migration society. The term recognizes that migration is society’s reality and not an exceptional situation. Accordingly, in a postmigrant society, diversity is understood as normality, and the juxtaposition of the foreign (the migrant) and the self (the nation) is overcome. The designation of a society as an „immigration society,“ as in Germany, is a concrete example of a postmigrant debate. The term can also serve as a self-designation of people who have a history of migration but not a direct migration experience (postmigrant identities or postmigrant generation).
(Sources: BpB; HU Berlin)

What does ‘radical diversity’ mean?

The term radical diversity has been coined by the socio-critical publicist and author Max Czollek. Radical diversity sees the strengths of a society in its diversity. According to this view, democracy only functions if it is supported by a pluralistic and inclusive society. the concepts contrary to radical diversity are „integration“ and „leading culture,“ which conceive of diversity as society’s central problem.
(Sources: taz; Institut für Social Justice)