Workshop: How to do anti-racist educational work on social media?

Workshop: How to do anti-racist educational work on social media?

Mo., 26.10. 15:00 Uhr

Die Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Junges Europa bietet über ihren Instagram-Kanal ‘Postmigrant Europe’ einen einstündigen Workshop mit den Aktivist*innen von ‘NoWhiteSaviors’ aus Kampala, Uganda an.
 “How to do anti-racist educational work on social media?” 

In this workshop, NWS team members speak about their experiences and learnings from educating on social media about topics such as white saviourism, cultural appropriation and anti-Black racism. ⁠

This is a workshop directed at young media makers (18-26 years old), engaging in anti-racist educational or activist work online, as well at those who are interested in taking their offline experiences and work online in the future. ⁠

♦️Apply if you are based in Europe but think beyond and transnationally. ⁠
♦️The workshop starts at 3pm CET on October 26th and will be held on Zoom. ⁠
♦️Participation is limited to a maximum of 25 people.⁠
♦️The deadline of this call is October 18th. ⁠
♦️Find the link to the application survey in our bio. ⁠
♦️We will get back to you to confirm if you were selected to participate by October 19th. ⁠
♦️If you were selected, we will also send along the link to the Zoom meeting room.⁠

@nowhitesaviors is an advocacy campaign led by a majority female, majority African team of professionals based in Kampala, Uganda. The campaign was founded in reaction to abuses committed by white missionaries and development workers in Uganda. The NWS Instagram account has become one of most vocal outlets on matters of critical whiteness generally ever since. ⁠

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