Empowerment Workshop for BPoC Youth in Europe

Empowerment Workshop for BPoC Youth in Europe

Di., 15.12. 19:00 Uhr bis Mi., 16.12.

*der Workshop ist europaweit ausgeschrieben und findet daher auf Englisch statt.

WhenTuesday, 15.12.2020, from 7-9pm CET &
               Wednesday, 16.12.2020, from 7-9pm CET
Participating in both sessions is a necessary requirement for your registration.

Who?  The workshop is directed at young Black or of Colour peer educators, trainers, young teachers, or multipliers from community work, aged 17-26 and based in Europe.

HowPlease register via this link until 06.12.2020. You will receive the login details for this online workshop after successful registration. The number of participants is limited to 12.

In light of countless cases of police violence as well as extremist right-wing attacks, racism, in its everyday, systemic, and institutional forms, was given particular public attention in 2020. Whereas the Black Lives Matter protests in the US by far received the greatest attention, also activists in Europe went to the streets and voiced  their experiences and demands: they ranged for example from ending police violence against Black and Brown people in France, over taking down statues of former colonizers in the UK and the renaming of street names in Germany to ending blackfacing in the Netherlands and Belgium. This activism, but also the daily experience of racism left and still leaves traces. Coming together and sharing one’s experiences can sometimes be helpful, which is why we would like to offer an online empowerment workshop for BPoC youth, aged 17-26, located in Europe.

The workshop will be joined by Dr. Philomena Essed (Professor for Critical Race, Gender, and Leadership Studies) and by Tran Thi Thu Trang (trained social-and cultural anthropologist and freelance dramaturg). They will invite you to a safer space in which to experience and practice non-judgemental listening and probing surrounding issues and experiences of racism.

You will have the chance to exchange with others on this non-exhaustive list of questions: How do I experience racism in my daily life? Where do I experience it and when do I observe it? How do others experience racism in their specific local context and from their specific standpoint? What are my strategies to cope with racism and its effects on me? Where do I seek support? Which changes do I want to see?

On the first day, Prof. Philomena Essed will give a short input on the challenges of current racism which nowadays often appears in the shape of partly denial, partly entitlement racism. No prior theoretical knowledge is needed to participate. On the second day, you will get the chance to dive deeper into exchanging with each other and address the issues and questions that are central to you as a group.

About the trainers and speakers:

Dr. Philomena Essed is professor of Critical Race, Gender and Leadership Studies at Antioch University’s Graduate School of Leadership and Change and Affiliated Researcher at the University of Utrecht’s, Gender Graduate Program. She holds a PhD from the University of Amsterdam (cum laude) and Honorary Doctorates from the University of Pretoria, and Umeå University. Well known for introducing the concepts of everyday racism, gendered racism, and entitlement racism, she also pioneered in developing theory on social and cultural cloning. More recently, she focuses on dignity and ethics of care as experience and practice in leading change.

Tran Thi Thu Trang is a trained social-and cultural anthropologist and freelance dramaturg. She has been an organizer and curator of the Berlin Asian Film Network since 2013, a grassroot initiative for promoting Asian diasporic film practices. She is board member of the Migrationsrat Berlin e.V., an umbrella organization for self-organized (post-)migrant communities as well as founding member of the newly founded NGO Connected Differences e.V., an initiative that targets discrimination in the arts, film and cultural sector based on a feminist intersectional approach.

In case you have questions about the application procedure, reach out to Pia: p.sombetzki@schwarzkopf-stiftung.de.

Reach out to Trang if you have questions about the contents of the workshop: tranthutrang@posteo.de

This workshop is part of the project Postmigrant Europe (@postmigrant_europe), which is funded by the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb).

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